Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Vaulting Into Tomorrow ©©

I sit on the couch looking through the window thinking back.
Every seven years the stars align in just the right spot or close enough to it, sending a signal to the vault of memories to open up so that I could add some of my fondest memories to it.

Every Wednesday March 26th I celebrate my true birthday as I was born on hump day, may explain a few things.
It’s easier remembering the last seven years instead of the whole forty-nine.
I have found that life changes in cycles and every seven years seems to be the right number.

The last seven years have been interesting for many reasons some personal, some spiritual, not in the religious sense but an enlightened one.
As a kid I was a handful, constantly questioning everything, even authority.
That followed me into my teens and adulthood.

Never one to entertain trouble, I embraced it like a lost lover when it came my way.
They said I was bad, unruly destined for some dark pit where no prying eyes could find me again.
They’re still waiting for me.

I have braced many in time including my conscience, in all forms of combat but none have been more draining or fulfilling than the battles of ideologies that I have engaged in with many a worthy opponent.
What would life be without an adversary?
My Moriarty.
It’s never about winning or loosing but understanding the other and yourself.

My biggest foe or lover and always will be, has been life.

She will make me laugh or cry
She will keep me warm with her smile and cold with her tears
She will look deep in my eyes and make love to me only to break my heart in time.
When times are good she will make them bad but when things are blue she will make it all shiny and new.

When she pushes me away, I chase her to pull her back because I know life really loves me as I love her, she’s just playing hard to get.
So as I close the vault I cherish the new memories of many of you and I place them behind my breast pocket so I can start a new beginning into the future with a new chapter but still questioning, searching for my Moriarty for a game of chess and a little love of life


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