Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Living And Dreaming ©©

Is it enough to know
Does believing satisfy a desire
Is dreaming, living
Or is living, dreaming

What if I wakeup
What if I wake up and it’s all gone
Does it mean it wasn’t real
Or does it mean I’m running away from reality

When do you believe
Or what to believe
What if living the dream is real
And waking up is make believe

I awaken to look around
To see all that I fear
Is it real or a nightmare
Why are dreams not real

Is it enough to believe
Does knowing satisfy a desire
Is living a dream
Or is dreaming, living

What if I fall asleep
What if I fall asleep and never leave the dream
Does it mean it’s real
Or does it mean I’m living a fantasy

When do you know
Or what do you know
What if living is unreal
And sleeping is reality

I fall asleep and dream
To see what I love
Is it fake or is it a dream
Why is reality not a dream

Is it enough to know
Does believing satisfy a desire
Is dreaming, living
Or is living, dreaming


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