Monday, October 08, 2007

Empty Thoughts ©©

When you look to the future you will see the present
When you run away, you only get lost
When you smile, the world will smile with you

How you fall asleep will be how you wake up
How you see the world, the world will see you
How you live your life is how you want to live it

There is a place somewhere that no one can see
There is a place in the world where there is a garden bursting with life
There is a place in the universe where there is a pool swimming with happy souls

If you go looking for these places you will find nothing
If you go searching for happiness you will find disappointment
If you live a happy life, life will come to you and take you by the hand

As tomorrow is today, today was yesterday
As the future is the past being born in the present
As who we are is who we were and always will be


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