I walk through light and darkness
Crossed oceans, climbed mountains
Grasped for what was just out of reach
Crossed the Jordan and fell in the river Styx
Across lush meadows into a land that didn’t exist
I searched for what could be
Found what wasn’t there
Yet still fell in love
I chased a dream
Far from where I began
Stalked by time to the end of the world
I ran off of that cliff and into tomorrow
Falling through time
I saw what was
Felt it all pour in all at once just that last moment
When life rushed up to kiss my ass goodbye
Some would say I'm going to hell
I say watch CNN
Hell sounds like home
We all fall through time...
This iS hell, you're right, the dream's become the master because it's not our own dream anymore, but the one they created for us....
There are so many things I could say to this. I wish that you could read my mind......
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