Thursday, November 08, 2007

Who Cares ©©

If the world were to explode right this second
Would it matter?
Who would care?

If I care for you and you care for me
Do others care for us?
Who cares for them?

If we argue and fight all the time
Does it matter that we do?
Why should anyone care?

If you give and they always take
Do you have to always give in?
Can you say no?

If you only love what you love
Does it matter others love what you don’t.
What if they don’t love you?

If time could be kept in a bottle
Would you save it at a time when you were happiest?
Will the rest of the world want to relive that time?

If the world were to explode right this second
Would it matter?
Is there anyone in the universe that will notice or care?


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