Thursday, March 05, 2009

How Long? ©©

So long it has been
Since I dance to a song
Since I laughed along

So long it has been
Since I been in battle
Since I cried alone in the dark

So long it has been
Since the sky looked the same as it once did
Since the future was a mystery

So long it has been
Since I was a boy
Since I remembered how to dream

So long has it been
Since the rain felt good on my face
Since I didn’t have to hide the pain

So long has it been
Since the sky was blue
Since the sun was warm

So long has it been
Since I heard children laugh
Since a seen real tears

So long has it been
Since I danced
So long has it been


1 comment:

Opaque said...

A simple one from you Walker!!! Still, it is decent!!!