Monday, April 20, 2009

Bondage ©©

Look how I am
How I live

How I see life
What I believe
And desire

How I let the world see me
How I want to be seen

How I live with my imprisonment to this life
How I pull against the shackles of society
How I struggle with myself

A slave to the machine
An addict with my arms out for more
More of society to numb me from the truth

From the beginning
The machine took over
Taught me how to think

From the start I was a slave
An addict to my comforts
A prisoner to their rules

How we look
How we see
And think are our chains

Look around
With our own eyes
See the world for the first time

Walk out of the cage and into the daylight
Into the wilderness and freedom
Feel what could be felt with free thought


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