Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Viral Insurrection ©©

Down dark lonely streets I follow

Past alleys beckoning to swallow me up

Listening for familiar sounds

Touching the air for a taste of what fills my soul

The shadows stretch across barren walls

Hiding what time has written upon them

Out of the minds that were

For those who have forgotten to read 

Hey man, what can I say that others haven’t said before

No one listened then so why, why, why would they now

The sounds of children playing, a woman’s screams in the night

Do we care anymore

We are becoming a lost generation

Forgetting who we were

Who we wanted to become

Settling for what is given us

Darkness comes for us all

Will we let it swallow us up

Will the shadows drag us off down the dark alleys

Or will we say no, no, no more, I can’t take it anymore


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